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Book review – Making yourself Indispensable by Mark Samuel

Posted on 13th March 2018

Well I have to say it, the title in itself grabbed my attention, and so did it grab the attention of many others who spied a glance at the cover when I was reading it on my travels.

I just love the concept that you can be indispensable, it appeals as it sort of breaks all the rules.

When you first pick up this book you can be forgiven for thinking that it is entirely a self-help book. In many ways it is, but it gives you much more for your reading time, as the first chapter closed I became aware that what Samuel has created is a template from which to base an organisational culture change programme, by mapping out the essential behaviours for a fully engaged flexible and focused workforce. The principle being that these behaviours give you the individual accountability and thus indispensability. Imagine the strength of an organisation with an entire workforce demonstrating such behaviours.

If you are personally looking for a motivational book to perhaps put yourself back on track or as many say ‘find your mojo’ then look no further. Samuel’s work really does make you re-evaluate your thoughts, clearly highlighting the dangers of falling into the victim loop and even sabotaging your own success. He takes you on a personal journey of self-discovery, providing many useful self assessments and activities that you are encouraged ever so nicely to complete.  The defining factor is that you have choices, you are in control.

For those who do want to complete this journey and redefine their lives for the better,  the great news is that the book has been written in a way that is really easy to read, allowing you to ‘pick up and put down’ prefect in today’s busy world. There are only two models to explore which adds to the simplicity of the approach, these being:

  • The Wheel of Indispensability
  • The Road Map

Believe me you cannot get lost on this journey as Samuel skilfully interconnects the two models and illustrates through thought provoking quotes and real life case studies.

One of my favourite quotes will always be ‘If you are not indispensable then you are obsolete’

Happy reading …..